
Welcome to West Coker’s website, sponsored by the Parish Council.

Thank you to all who have been interested enough to come and look.  And thank you to those who contribute news, ideas, photos and other material. More are welcome.  Everything here can be changed, so feel free to make suggestions or contributions –

Contact the website at:  westcokernet@gmail.com

Dawe’s is Britain’s only surviving Victorian twineworks with its original working machinery. Saved from total collapse and now restored by local volunteers  for everyone to enjoy. 

Open on the FOURTH Saturday of each month 

See HERE for more.

The Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Pavilion

The formal opening ceremony took place on November 5th 2022.  See HERE for more, including booking.

To provide a friendly convenient and safe environment for all community activities

Hall availability can be viewed HERE 

Hall charges are listed HERE

How to make a Booking:

  1. Online enquiry form: HERE
  2. Email the Booking Administrator on  wcvhbookings@gmail.com
  3. Phone Booking Administrator on : 01935 864574

Ropewalker magazine

Published every month except August and paper copies are delivered throughout the parish.

But also available to download HERE

For contributions and ads, contact Howard Davis.  ropewalkereditor@gmail.com